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Precision medicine is the future of healthcare. Dr. Rinde is trained in DNA analysis utilizing your DNA to customized tailored nutrition and lifestyle interventions that support your unique biochemistry. 

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Personalized Medicine

Nutrigenomics is the study of our own unique genetic variations that are risk factors in health conditions and health syndromes; and what nutrition (and lifestyle) factors can impact genetic function.


At Sound Integrative Health we are certified to consult on the Intellxxdna reports.  This report analyzes over 20,000 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) within your DNA, with particular attention to combinatorial effects and potential preventions and interventions.


This is not like 23andMe or other  Direct-to-consumer genomics tests.  While these test are a great first step into the world of genomics,  these tests don’t tell the whole story and usually only highlight disease risk and ancestral background


Deep DNA analysis like Intellxxdna, can dive into your current and at risk health problems, and provide practical information that you can apply to improving your health . This testing provides comprehensive, clinical-focused knowledge of health risks and benefits within your genetic makeup.


In the analysis you get detailed reports with practical suggestions as well as referenced research data to support the guidance.  Dr. Rinde will meet with you (virtually or in-person) to explain the results and to help monitor the changes you will make with the data. 

Genomics is ever-evolving, complex . 


See below for more information and pricing.

Personalized Medicine

Nutrigenomics with Intellxxdna has been used for disease prevention as well as to help solve puzzles for many conditions such as anxiety, depression, cognition problems, neurobehavioral disorders, cardiovascular disease and more, digestive disorders and more.


Research has been published using IntellxxDna for:

  1. Autism Spectrum Disorders

  2. MIld Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's disease

  3. Environmental Illness


Intellxxdna has also been featured on many prominent media outlets such as this interview with Dr. Jill live 


Four testing profiles are available: 

They can purchased individually or in combination.


All panels look at gene variants related to how various nutrients and hormones are transported throughout your body and into your brain and identify nutrients and hormones that you may need more or less of than others.

Medical Overview Profile: This includes 20 panels covering a wide variety of chronic health issues: cardiac health, diabetes, osteoporosis, blood clot risk, methylation, detox, and more. 


Cost: $1250
Includes: 1 1/2 total hours of review with Dr. Rinde, broken up into smaller time segments for better absorption of information


Brain Optimization Profile: This includes 20 detailed Alzheimer’s related panels: nutrigenomics, estrogen, methylation, detox, stroke and many with 20+ additional SNPs, deletions and lab verification of APOE variant(s).


Cost $1750

Includes: two and a half total hours of review with Dr. Rinde, broken up into smaller time segments for better absorption of information.


Mental Wellness Panel:

The Mental Wellness Report includes detailed panels pertaining to mental health: attention & focus, ADHD stimulant response, anxiety, and obsession, rumination & compulsions.

This report allows us to look at gene variants related to how various nutrients and hormones are transported throughout your body and into your brain and identify nutrients and hormones that you may need more or less of than others.


Cost: $1750

Includes: two and a half total hours of review with Dr. Rinde, broken up into smaller time segments for better absorption of information.


Neurodevelopmental panel:

The Neurodevelopment Report includes detailed panels pertaining to mental health: attention & focus, ADHD stimulant response, anxiety, and obsession, rumination & compulsions. As well as pathways related to Autism Spectrum Disorders and  Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS).


Cost: $1750

Includes: two and a half total hours of review with Dr. Rinde, broken up into smaller time segments for better absorption of information.





  • Executive Combination Profile: This offers our full suite of IntellxxDNA™ panels including the content of both Medical Overview and Brain Optimization reports, covering over 600 genomic SNPs. Cost: $2050 Includes three total hours of review by Dr. Rinde, broken up into smaller time segments for better absorption of information. 


  • Neurodevelopment combination report: This offers content of both Mental Wellness Report and Neurodevelopmental panel, covering over 600 genomic SNPs. Cost: $2050 .Includes three total hours of review by Dr. Rinde, broken up into smaller time segments for better absorption of information. 


  • The Powerhouse Report : This offers content of three reports: the Mental WellnessMedical Overview, and Brain Optimization:  Cost: $2700 .Includes three total hours of review by Dr. Rinde, broken up into smaller time segments for better absorption of information. 



A La Carte pricing: any additional report can be added on to create a package for $750 each. This can be added any time after the original order.

Info and Pricing
Testing Profiles
Combination Reports
Image by Karolina Kołodziejczak


How is this different from 23&Me/other direct-to-consumer genetic services?

Direct-to-consumer genomic companies provide only raw data on your genetics and you must pay another company to analyze your information to “unlock” this information and make it useful to you. 


IntellxxDNA’s results come with scientifically researched recommendations, and Dr. Rinde will individually review these results with you and help you to decide which genes to act on based on your medical history.


IntellxxDNA testing also uses bead technology combined with PCR testing to analyze your genome, which makes it 98% accurate. Direct-to-consumer companies use a much less accurate technology, which allows for error and unreliability in results (less than 50-75% accurate in some cases!). 


In fact, these companies state that the information they provide is not suitable for medical or diagnostic purposes, and users are encouraged to consult with a medical practitioner before implementing any major lifestyle changes.


Will this information be part of my medical file? 


This genetic testing will NOT become a part of your medical file, as no insurance is billed and a separate medical portal is used for the data


How long does it take to receive results? 


The report takes 4-5 weeks to be processed.


For additional questions on this report please contact us.

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