D-Lactate Acidosis: when bugs affect your brain.
If you have SIBO, Leaky Gut/Intestinal Permeability, Cognitive Problems like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, Dementia, or...

Will antibiotics help For IBS If I have been diagnosed with SIBO?
Using patterns of the Lactulose Hydrogen Breath Test to Make Decisions regarding antibiotic therapy in IBS with Small Intestinal...

You have SIBO: Take these antibiotics and call me in two weeks. Can we do better?
The antibiotic approach to SIBO... A reasonable approach to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) treatment? Perhaps. Effective...

Getting your fiber in on a low fodmap diet
#Lowfodmapdiet #Irritablebowelsyndrome #SIBO #Smallintestinalbacterialovergowth